Iran is shelling suspected PKK (or PJAK) positions in northern Iraq. This NYT report describes it as “the second day of attacks,” but other reports of shelling date back to April 21.

The region is on my mind because I was recently there. I voiced my misgivings about the PKK here.

If anyone has more detailed damage/casualty reports, please share.

**Update: More trouble in Kurdistan. Asos Hardi, editor of the liberal weekly Awene — whose insights I relied on for these reports from Halabja — just made some unwelcome headlines. (It’s happened before.) From the Institute for War and Peace Reporting:

(Hawlati) Twana Osman, Hawlati editor-in-chief and Asos Hardi, former editor-in-chief (of the independent weekly newspaper) were sentenced to six months in prison (but their sentences were commuted) and fined 75,000 dinars (50 dollars) on May 2. Omar Fatah, the Kurdish prime minister (in Sulaimaniyah administration) had sued them in November 2005 for publishing incorrect information (in an article that accused Fatah of firing two civil servants for turning off his private phone because the bill had not been paid.) Several journalists attended the sentencing. (Hawlati online is an online news service by Hawlati newspaper.)

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