On that Gaza beach explosion…

Since there’s been some dispute about it in the comments, I wanted to make a note of this, from the London Times:

Expert: Israeli Shell Caused Deaths
A US-trained military expert has disputed an Israeli claim that it had nothing to do with an explosion that killed eight Palestinian beach-goers in the Gaza Strip. Last Friday’s incident has turned a critical spotlight on Israel’s military practices. Israel released results of its own inquiry, which determined that the blast was not caused by a shell fired from Israel. The expert, Marc Garlasco of Human Rights Watch (HRW), inspected the damage, the shrapnel and the wounds and came to a different conclusion.

I put a lot of stock in HRW, and besides, if Hamas were mining the beaches, you’d think that Palestinian families would be tripping the mines on a regular basis.

That said, Palestinian militants should cease their deplorable rocket attacks against Israel — not least of all for the sake of Palestinian civilians.

[Update: The full HRW report is here.]

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