Whose national interest?

In the Sunday NY Times of July 2, the Council for the National Interest Foundation (CNI Foundation) ran a huge full-page ad abutting the editorial page. The headline: “America and Israel: A Troubling Alliance.” There are quotes from Pat Buchanan and others. The text calls for a two-state solution in Israel/Palestine and a fundamental reassessment of the U.S.-Israel alliance.

CNI Foundation was founded in 1989 by two former Republican congressmen, Paul Findley (IL) and Paul “Pete” McCloskey (CA). Eugene Bird, the president, is quoted in the ad as follows: “What is the Council for the National Interest? It is an anti-virus to the Israel lobby.”

Ah, the “v” word. Makes perfect sense, though. Judeosphere has helpfully noted that in 2000, Pete McCloskey addressed a conference of the Institute for Historical Review, the Holocaust-denial organization. In his speech, he made reference to “the so-called Holocaust.”

According to this piece in the SF Chronicle, however, McCloskey is a “maverick.”

So we see what the NY Times ad really is: slick propaganda from paleocon Jew-baiters trying to appear mainstream — progressive, even. Looks like it’s working.

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