Sunni gunmen rampage against Shia civilians in Mahmudiya, Iraq, killing up to 48. You know things are bad when that’s not the day’s biggest news, not even close. The mass media gaze is drifting away from Iraq, but the ongoing bloodbath must not be forgotten. Both Sunni and Shia death squads are now operating in police or security uniform, engaging in reciprocal orgies of violence, tearing through crowds of shoppers and passersby at random and with total impunity. We’ve been discussing civilian casualties a lot in the last few days, and very rightly so. In Iraq, let’s recall, the doctrine of civilian immunity is nonexistent — mocked every single day, multiple times a day. And there’s no end in sight.

And Darfur? Did someone say Darfur? Oh, victims of Darfur and Chad, if you thought you were being ignored before…

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