Mel Gibson: “How’d that happen?”

Editor, political commentator and sex advice columnist Dan Savage loves to take apart what he calls the HTH defense: “How’d that happen?” As in, “I wound up in bed with my wife’s best friend, how’d that happen?” Savage always retorts: It happened because you wanted it to happen and you allowed it to happen, so stop pretending otherwise.

Mel Gibson is now essentially raising the HTH defense in his second attempted apology for his antisemitic outburst. From the NY Times: “Gibson said he’s ‘in the process of understanding where those vicious words came from during that drunken display’…”

“Where those vicious words came from”? They came from his mind and then his mouth. Human beings are mysterious, but they’re not that mysterious.

[Note: Andrew Sullivan hangs the Jewish and Christian theocons with their own words here, here, here and here.]

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