In June I took a fond look back at veteran radical journalist John Pilger’s “we cannot afford to be choosy” remark, in regard to the so-called Iraqi resistance. That was 2004, it is now 2006, Iraq is in civil war and Pilger is still spouting the same sentimental clichés, this time in a recent piece on the Guardian’s Comment Is Free site. [Hat tip: Norm]

Pilger serenades Hezbollah as well, citing the group as a prime example of “humanity at its noblest.” He also condemns Israel for “driving [Palestinians] to the despair of having to commit their own atrocities….” Having to commit their own atrocities. I’m all too familiar with the “who can blame them” analysis, but to see it stated this baldly and recklessly is somewhat rare. I thought I’d point it out.

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