A letter appears in today’s NY Times, calling for moderation, sanity and an end to the violence currently engulfing the Middle East. It is signed by Daniel Barenboim, Tony Kushner, Nadine Gordimer, Costa-Gavras, Lakhdar Brahimi and many more. I think it’s a necessary statement — in stark contrast to the weasely, irresponsible broadside from Chomsky and friends in yesterday’s Guardian.

One of the signers of the NY Times letter is Harold Pinter. I’m surprised. Pinter is not known for anything resembling moderation. He lent his support to an odious campaign in support of Slobodan Milosevic. He signed on to a previous communication from Chomsky et al., the one that accused Israel of trying to “liquidate the Palestinian nation.” But Pinter’s name was conspicuously absent from yesterday’s Guardian pronouncement. He signed the NY Times statement instead. I say this cautiously and provisionally, not knowing exactly what gives, but good for him.

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