Counterpunch: your source for fake news

Alexander Cockburn’s far-left Counterpunch has published what appears to be a fraudulent “interview” with Hezbollah’s Hassan Nasrallah, in which the sheikh proclaims solidarity with left anti-imperialists and so forth. The disclaimer is a classic:

Editors’ Note: The authenticity of this interview has been challenged, maybe because Nasrallah doesn’t speak entirely according to Orientalist expectations of what a Shi’a leader should be saying.

Translation: If you think the interview is fake, you’re a racist.

Bill Weinberg has more at WW4 Report.

A friend of mine in Turkey notes that the “interview” first appeared in Evrensel, “a rag published by the Turkish Labor Party, which is a pathetic far left group that is rabidly anti-everything.” No wonder Counterpunch was impressed.

P.S. — My friend adds:

“The Turkish press (I use that term lightly) came to mind when I read that letter from the 18 writers in The Nation. They talk about how the [Gaza violence] actually started with Israeli’s abduction of two Palestinians, and how this wasn’t reported anywhere except in the Turkish press… As someone who lives here and monitors the Turkish press, I can tell you it’s the most unreliable source of information imaginable, from the mainstream down to, obviously, fringe publications like Evrensel.”

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