Raimondo shills for Putin

Right-wing paleocon antiwar activist Justin Raimondo, last referenced here, has now penned a hallucinatory defense of Russian president Vladimir Putin — get this — “a capable, no-nonsense, and staunchly nationalist leader.” Raimondo gripes about “elegies praising [brutally murdered journalist Anna] Politkovskaya as a veritable saint.” He works up to this:

Those who criticize Putin for supposedly reintroducing authoritarian rule can marshal not a single iota of evidence: opposition political parties exist and conduct vigorous public campaigns. No newspapers or media outlets have been closed down for giving voice to dissident anti-government views.

Where to begin. I don’t know — here are Amnesty International and the Committee to Protect Journalists on Putin’s benign, delicate rule. Here [$] is a NY Times report on Russian government interference with foreign NGO’s. You decide.

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