Iraq malaise PS

A quick response to the comment here, for clarity’s sake before the State of the Union Address:

I’m sorry to say, but your comments here look like a watered down version of the Bush administration’s “blame the Iraqis” strategy.

As I said in the post, the “blame the Iraqis” rhetoric is common among Dems and Repubs, pro-surge and anti-surge. What it all suggests is that the Maliki gov’t simply lacks the resolve to crack down on the militias. Again, as I said, this skirts the issue — Maliki has no true incentive to crack down. U.S. threats of eventual withdrawal are meaningless, because withdrawal is what Maliki wants.

You make it seem like we just got caught in bad spot, as opposed to initiating and persisting in a crazed, immoral and doomed effort to remake another country using military force…

The effort to remake Iraq by military force failed a long time ago. The U.S. is now in frantic damage control mode, military as well as political. Remaking Iraq through military force is the shared goal of the Iraqi terror squads, both Sunni and Shia. Crazed, yes. Immoral doesn’t even begin to describe it. Doomed? No, one or the other will probably succeed.

We poor Americans are being played by the bad Iraqis, despite our good intentions.

The U.S. military is being played by the terror squads on both sides. It’s just a fact. It has nothing to do with anyone’s alleged intentions, good or bad. True, Iraqis have little reason to be grateful to the U.S., which enabled this entire catastrophe in the first place. But as has been widely reported, every month over 3,000 Iraqi civilians are dying. Who is killing them? Not the U.S. military. There are certain Iraqis — the ones who are slaughtering several score of their fellow Iraqis practically every day — who richly deserve blame for the current situation. Any claim to the contrary is ideological blindness.

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