The Atzmon-Duke convergence

It’s been a while since I’ve commented on the jazz saxophonist and rabid antisemite — sorry, “critic of Israel” — Gilad Atzmon. But I thought I’d link to this colorful spread on the website of the avowed neo-Nazi David Duke. Normally I’d hesitate to link to a racist site, but I feel we should all have a look at Atzmon’s beaming visage, right where it belongs.

Be sure to read Duke’s gushing preface. “Atzmon helps us understand the Holocaust mentality of Jewish extremists,” he writes.

Atzmon’s piece originally ran in Alexander Cockburn’s Counterpunch, which some continue to mistake for a progressive publication.

If there has been any request on Atzmon’s part to have his text and photo removed from Duke’s website, I will make a note of it. But I doubt I’ll need to.

[Hat tip: Harry’s Place]

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