The horror continues

Nir Rosen’s NY Times Magazine article last week [$], on the Iraqi refugee crisis, shed some light specifically on the plight of Palestinians living in Iraq:

Hussein was first threatened in 2005, when, he said, a letter containing a bullet and two drops of blood was sent to his house. ”If you do not leave Iraq, this will be your fate,” the letter read. A second death threat was signed by the Badr Brigade, a Shiite militia sponsored by Iran and belonging to the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq.
Two of Hussein’s uncles were kidnapped. The kidnappers, Hussein told me, had demanded $100,000 in ransom, but Hussein’s family did not have the money. The next day they received a phone call informing them that his uncles’ bodies were in the morgue. Hussein’s uncles had been tortured and mutilated, drills driven through their bodies — a signature practice of Iraq’s Shiite militias — and their genitals cut off …. Hussein’s family was also given a CD containing a film of the murders.

Not the work of Sunni terrorists, mind you. No, this was the Badr Brigade, intimately tied to the Iraqi government — the one we’re relying on to “step up” and solve this mess.

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