Cuba responds

It became clear last year that Cuba is governed as much by nepotism as by socialism. And while the Cuban state may block citizens’ access to U.S. media, its leadership certainly pays close attention. This statement by Raul Castro seems to allude to the question that touched off the Clinton-Obama foreign policy dispute, which I discussed here:

If the new United States authorities would finally desist from their arrogance and decide to converse in a civilized manner, it would be a welcome change.

Little Castro has touched upon the best reason to engage the Cuban dictatorship directly: because not doing so allows it to preen as the civilized, non-arrogant party.

Whatever the moral and practical shortcomings of U.S. policy toward Cuba (and there are many), a regime that monopolizes political power and squashes dissent for nearly half a century is not in a position to lecture about arrogance and welcome changes.

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