For music’s sake

Forgive the light posting — I’m swamped with work. But least I can do is throw some support toward this initiative…

Alliance for Creative Music Action

A Town Hall Meeting

Tuesday, August 21 at 6:00 pm
Clemente Soto Velez
107 Suffolk Street
between Delancey and Rivington


Creative Music Action (ACMA) is a group of musicians, other artists and their supporters who are joining together as a pressure group to bring awareness about the needs of art in our communities

ACMA is dedicated to the principle that NYC’s new music and experimental jazz culture is a unique asset that must not be left to the mercy of market forces. The varied original, creative musics that have been developed in New York and exported all over the world must be supported in New York, the city of their origin. In order to make that support real and substantial, it is imperative that New York donates a building that is centrally located in Manhattan. There are other issues that can and will be addressed by this new organization, including pressuring for more adequate coverage in the various medias – that is radio, television and the print media. For example, JAZZ is a living, developing and evolving, non-commercial Art form that needs intelligent and appropriate coverage.

ACMA recognizes that New York City, historically the international capital for innovative music, is now facing an acute cultural crisis. The formidable forces wielded by a sky rocketing real estate market have steadily eliminated new music venues from Manhattan, driving out musicians and composers, young and old, famous and unknown, whom all have contributed mightily to the vitality of this great city. ACMA is working with government officials and private sponsors to vigorously reverse this trend. ACMA is now working with Arts for Art to find an adaquate space to establish a creative music center, centrally located in downtown New York. but it is cleat that the scope of the music that would be presented in a New Venue would be broader than that of the Vision Festival including a real representation of all of the innovative non-commercial music that New York has to offer.

We Invite all who are interested to come to a Town Hall Meeting
to take place at Clemente Soto Velez
on Tuesday August 21

Plan is to:
-Put pressure on the City
-Give Arts for Art and other worthy organizations
buildings and/or spaces
in strategic locations
for creative music / other arts

-Letter writing to publications and gov’t officials
-Demonstrations / rallys – Where?
-Talking and blogging about this EVERYWhere
-Communicate that musicians are aware of their worth and their rights

1. How do the arts, and specifically innovative creative music, benefit the general community?
2. Identify issues – what is keeping the arts out of the community and what can be done about this?
3. Organize events
4. Write blogs and letters
5. Go to meetings with politicians

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