500 killed, 1500 wounded

That is the newly revised toll, according to the Iraqi Red Crescent Society, of the coordinated and genocidal attack on the Yazidi community of northern Iraq that occurred on August 14. Over 1000 homes were leveled in the blasts.

And U.S. politicians continue to travel to Iraq and report back that they felt very safe. Well, that’s what really counts.

The NY Times article on the aftermath is hard to bear, but the most chilling passage is the final one:

“In a few days, 10,000 of our men will be ready to protect our areas,” said Kheder Aziz, who was sobbing on a street in Kirkuk. “All the Sunni Arab tribes living around us are responsible, either because they helped with the attack or knew what would happen.”

It will be a long time, U.S. troops or no U.S. troops, before this ends.

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