The trouble with Turkey

I haven’t had time to get my head fully around the Turkey controversy. I suppose a case could be made that congressional resolutions on such things as the Armenian genocide are pretty darn pointless anyway, so why stir the pot. But the notion that the world needs to keep tiptoeing around Turkey’s irrationalism on this issue is just as ludicrous. One can still wind up in court, or worse, for talking about the Armenian genocide in a NATO state that hopes soon to join the EU. That’s the real story here.

As for Turkey’s threat to send tanks into Iraqi Kurdistan to root out the PKK: they’ve been saying this for a long time, so it’s hard to say if it’s still just bluster. PKK strikes in the Sirnak region, and in Diyarbakir the other day (I visited both places in March of last year), are indeed a problem. But if the Turks do anything more than highly specific, pinprick incursions — if they instigate open war with the peshmerga and destabilize the one stable part of Iraq — they’ll be committing a historic crime.

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