Forgive the light posting — wife and I took a little road trip to Columbus, Ohio to visit some friends and we’re prepping for a week in Paris later this month. I’m busy editing copy for the winter edition of Jazz Notes, writing a story on this initiative for and juggling assorted other duties.

World events haven’t let up, of course: constitutional order has been abolished in Pakistan; unrest is flaring in the streets of Tbilisi; thanks to Chuck Schumer and Dianne Feinstein, the U.S. will soon have another morally compromised Attorney General; Rudy Giuliani, campaigning on the memory of 9/11, has been endorsed by Pat Robertson, a man who has expressed the view that America had it coming. More on the Democratic race later — I’m working on procuring an absentee ballot for Feb. 5 in NYC (on first request, the Board of Elections sent me one for Nov. 6 instead). Obama still has my vote.

Meanwhile, here in Philadelphia, we have a new mayor. Voter turnout was 28.7 percent.

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