I’m late to the party on this, but in the wake of the John Hagee “Hitler was a hunter” flap, McCain and his supporters are relying on the argument that Hagee, ahem, wasn’t McCain’s pastor for 20 years — i.e., Obama’s association with Reverend Wright is worse. Garbage: It’s exactly the reverse.

Obama, who knew Rev. Wright not just as a political symbol but as a human being for many years, nobly tried to preserve Wright’s dignity while rejecting his political views. Then, when Wright virtually taunted him on the national stage, Obama severed ties.
In 2000 McCain strongly denounced Falwell, Pat Robertson and, by implication, other Christian rightists like Hagee and Rod Parsley. Then, when trawling for religious right votes, he reversed course and happily accepted Hagee’s and Parsley’s endorsement.
In other words, Obama displayed integrity and McCain displayed the opposite.

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