More on Florida, Michigan…

I’d been wondering: Why this Florida-Michigan fiasco in the first place? Is the DNC powerless to enforce its own voting schedule? No, it’s not like that, as Marc Cooper explains:

Who’s kidding who? The original DNC decision to authorize only four states to vote early was a blatant act of pandering to Iowa, NH, Nevada and South Carolina. The leap-frogging ahead of Fla and Michigan — heartily suppported by each state’s Democratic officials in defiance of the DNC — was a blatant act of pandering to local constituencies. The ratification of the decision to punish both states by the Clinton and Obama campaigns was a further act of pandering to Iowa and New Hampshire. The decision to reconsider the just punishment and come up with today’s compromise was a blatant act of pandering to Florida and Michigan. The notion of legitimacy attached to either one of those “elections,” one in which Clinton had no opponent on the ballot and the other in which all candidates vowed not to campaign, insults the intelligence and panders to political morons.

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