Indictment, not impeachment

I’ve received a number of emails, from musicians and others, crying out in support of Dennis Kucinich’s silly impeachment drive. Says Marc Cooper in the LA Weekly:

…[H]ow on earth does any rational being believe that George W. Bush will actually be impeached by a bunch of Democrats who voted for his war in the first place — with fewer than 100 days from a national election, no less?

Please. Instead, we should be concentrating on prosecuting — in the good, old-fashioned courts — those administration officials who flagrantly broke domestic and international laws by institutionalizing rendition, prisoner abuse and torture, and who shredded the Uniform Code of Military Justice, the Convention Against Torture, the War Crimes Act, the Geneva Conventions and the U.S. Constitution. Ask Mr. Karadzic or the family of the late General Pinochet if these sort of barbarities are indeed not actionable in actual courts of law.

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