Sarah Palin, extremist

It can’t go unremarked at Lerterland that vice presidential candidate — that is, potential President of the United States — Sarah Palin has her own preacher problem in Ed Kalnins, who has claimed that criticism of the president can get you sent to hell. (Let’s check in with him after Obama wins.)

Palin herself believes that the war effort in Iraq is a mission from God. So is building oil pipelines. She also listened politely in church while Jews for Jesus director David Brickner, two weeks ago, argued that terrorist attacks against Israelis are God’s punishment for not accepting the gospel. (New Yorkers, please bring this up next time you’re approached by one of these freaks in the subway.)

America has quite a choice this November: elect a young, inspiring, intellectually serious black candidate, or an unprincipled elderly white man with a full-on religious zealot as his number two. The world is watching us.

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