David Carr reports on Rage Against the Machine’s protests at both the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. According to Rage and its delusional followers, there is no difference between Obama and McCain. I suppose they’re waiting around for the Democratic candidate to champion Che and Mumia and the writing of crackpots like William Blum, as Rage’s website does. Way to fight for justice — by actively opposing the progressive candidate in the race. Thanks guys. You’re pathetic.

Referencing the widespread and deplorable police brutality that occurred in St. Paul (and went barely if at all reported in the mainstream press), guitarist Tom Morello said:
“I suspect that the cops have much more in common with this band, with you people. Before this weekend is over, they may turn their batons, rubber bullets and their tear gas against us, but it is our hope that one day they turn those batons and rubber bullets and the tear gas against” the people assembled at the Xcel Center…
An impetuous and off-the-cuff remark, perhaps, but very much in keeping with Rage’s strongly left-authoritarian mindset.

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