Larry King has Arianna Huffington, lying sack of shit Ari Fleischer and complete moron Chuck Norris on his show, and he’s milking lipstick-gate for all it’s worth. Get this: Fleischer conceded that Obama was not referring to Palin with the lipstick remark, but since the audience laughed, clearly they must have taken it that way.

The audience laughed because it was a laugh line, Mr. Fleischer. People laugh at those.
Fleischer continued (I paraphrase): Obama therefore should have chastised his audience. He should have said, No! I wasn’t referring to Sarah Palin! Don’t laugh at her like that! We can’t have that kind of politics in this campaign!
I’m not kidding. That’s what Ari Fleischer said.
So in short: The lipstick remark was not about Palin, and Fleischer admits it. But Obama nonetheless should have made it about Palin.
I like Obama’s term, “silly season,” to describe all this. But it’s more insidious than silly.
Obama also likes to say, “The American people aren’t stupid.” At this point I don’t know. I just don’t know.

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