A Sullivan reader makes a good point: The McCain campaign has managed to get liberal blogs constantly talking about McCain-Palin, rather than Obama-Biden. “Yesterday Obama gave a fantastic interview at the Service Forum. Did the liberal blogs even cover this? No. He gave a great speech on the trail. Are his town halls even posted or excerpted? No. […] The liberal bloggers have become McCain central. They make people click on his ads, make the world spin around him instead of focusing on our candidate and what he is trying to do.”

I plead guilty. We need to get back to promoting our side. Obama is fighting back and we need to acknowledge it.
Here is Obama on Palin’s disdain for due process, even in the aftermath of Abu Ghraib:
“Don’t mock the Constitution. Don’t make fun of it. Don’t suggest that it’s not American to abide by what the founding fathers set up. It’s worked pretty well for over 200 years.”
Read more about it here.

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