“Deconstruct this”

Marc Cooper on anti-Obamism among the academic left:

With all due respect to the skepticism of such revolutionaries as Judith Butler and others who disdain the corporate tool known as Barack Obama, there’s an entire new generation who went out and actually did the grinding work of defeating the Bush administration (and of at least cracking the door open to some Hope).

I know this isn’t nearly as constructive as participating in post-structuralist efforts within Western feminist theory to question the “presuppositional terms” of feminism.

Nor is it half as engaging as constructing a theory of ethics in which the responsible self knows the limits of its knowing, recognizes the limits of its capacity to give an account of itself to others, and respects those limits as symptomatically human.

But, hey, as the Brits used to say: a place for everbody and everybody in their place.

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