

The Beats Go On

My overview of Philadelphia jazz, on the cover of the current Philadelphia Weekly.


The week on disc (15)

In case you missed the last one… Jason Adasiewicz, Roll Down (482 Music) Open Loose, Strange Unison (Radio Legs) Bill Bruford & Michiel Borstlap, In Two Minds (Summerfold) Manuel Engel, ME 3 (Metonic) Michael Pedicin, Everything Starts Now… (Jazz Hut) Giacomo Merega/David Tronzo/Noah Kaplan, The Light and Other Things (Creative Nation)


On Joe Lovano

My review of Joe Lovano at Chris’s Jazz Cafe, in today’s Inquirer.


The day in injustice

~ The amazing Dahlia Lithwick on vile torture-memo author John Yoo, whose worst punishment might be “to teach the dreaded 8:30 a.m. Friday class at Berkeley next year.” And to remain on TV as a talking head for years to come. ~ The poor Hu Jia, who has just been sentenced by the Chinese government to over three years in

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Last kings

[Edited] The other day I watched “The Last King of Scotland,” Kevin MacDonald’s 2006 biopic of Idi Amin, for which Forest Whitaker won an Oscar. It was alright. But I made the mistake of also watching the 30-minute short “Capturing Idi Amin,” a behind-the-scenes bonus feature. I’ve been putting off this post, but it’s time, now that Robert Mugabe might

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Six Picks: April 2008

My monthly list of recommended CDs, as published in All About Jazz-New York, April 2008: Charles Lloyd, Rabo De Nube (ECM) Lionel Loueke, Karibu (Blue Note) Tim Miller, Tim Miller Trio 2 (Avenir) Peloton, Selected Recordings (Parallel) Adam Rudolph’s Moving Pictures, Dream Garden (Justin Time) Jaleel Shaw, Optimism (Changu)


On Wayne Shorter

My review of the Wayne Shorter Quartet at the Kimmel Center, in today’s Inquirer. PS — I just noticed the photo caption that ran with my review: “Wayne Shorter and his quartet created a convergance [sic] of jazz’s old and new styles Friday at the Kimmel Center.” Wow, that couldn’t be any more off-base. No wonder the headline also makes

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Stay tuned

Please forgive the lack of activity here — I’m finishing a cover story on Philadelphia jazz for the April 9 music issue of Philadelphia Weekly. What a ride it’s been. More posting soon. Meanwhile, you’re going to double over watching Bill Cosby talk about trying to play “Cherokee” behind Sonny Stitt. [PS — The following won’t make sense until you

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