

Crouch on Obama

An exceptionally moving comment on the Obama speech from Stanley Crouch. And here, from earlier on. Stanley’s no right-winger, as is so often assumed. (No, he does not note Wright’s appearance on Wynton Marsalis’s The Majesty of the Blues).


On Auktyon

My review of Auktyon at World Cafe Live, in today’s Inquirer.


Dennis Irwin PS

While researching a story, I just had the chance to speak with trumpeter Terell Stafford, who runs the jazz program at Temple U. in Philly. As a member of Matt Wilson’s group Arts & Crafts, Terell also played extensively with bassist Dennis Irwin, whose tragic death is still being mourned by the jazz community. Terell recalls: [Dennis] came down to

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On Danilo Perez

My profile of pianist Danilo Perez, the front-page feature of today’s Inquirer, Arts & Entertainment section.


Wright stuff

Obama’s Philadelphia speech is destined for the American history classrooms of tomorrow (if there will be such things). And it has generated a wave of responses nearly as fascinating as the speech itself, not least of all in the nascent entity called the jazz blogosphere. Which would seem to refute the idea that jazz and its minions have ceased to

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The Wire PS

In my recent piece about “The Wire” I took issue with the writers’ call for jury nullification in drug cases. David Feige makes a salient point about this: The problem is that in taking their pledge to nullify, the authors have gently finessed a rather difficult and practical point. In order to acquit or hang a jury, one has to

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Obama on Wright

Here in Philadelphia, blocks from where I sit, Barack Obama has just delivered a powerful speech [update: video here] on the complexities of race and racism in America, and the nuanced reality of his relationship with pastor Jeremiah Wright. I fear his words will fall on cynical, deaf ears, but he has done his best — not in an attempt to

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On Dianne Reeves

My review of Dianne Reeves at the Annenberg Center, in today’s Inquirer.