

Yes We Can

Yes We Can. (Herbie says so.) Obama on Super Tuesday.


Six Picks: February 2008

My monthly list of recommended CDs, as published in All About Jazz-New York, February 2008: Ron Blake, Shayari (Mack Avenue) Bill Dixon with Exploding Star Orchestra (Thrill Jockey) Hans Glawischnig, Panorama (Sunnyside) Tony Malaby/William Parker/Nasheet Waits, Tamarindo (Clean Feed) Matana Roberts, The Chicago Project (Central Control) Gonzalo Rubalcaba, Avatar (Blue Note)


Charting the Unknown

My piece on improvisation, for the annual Philadelphia Music Project magazine, is now online. (The print mag came out sometime close to Christmas ’07.) Here for the full table of contents.


State of the Union: Obama responds

Here for video. From the final graf: Each year, as we watch the State of the Union, we see half the chamber rise to applaud the President and half the chamber stay in their seats. We see half the country tune in to watch, but know that much of the country has stopped even listening. Imagine if next year was

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Boulez & Deren in a day

It’s not everywhere you can go hear the Pierre Boulez masterpiece Le Marteau sans Maître for free, so I seized the chance and headed to the Swarthmore campus last night for an on-the-edge performance by Orchestra 2001 under the direction of James Freeman. The reading was poised and elegant, but there were moments in the faster passages when the ensemble

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On Bill Frisell

My review of the Bill Frisell/Jamaaladeen Tacuma double bill at Rutgers-Camden, in today’s Inquirer.


The dark side of … Mercury

Pictures are in from NASA’s Messenger probe to the planet Mercury. The thing is 800 degrees in the sun, -300 in the shade. Cozy.


The week on disc (11)

In case you missed the last one…Larry Koonse, What’s in the Box? (Jazz Compass): Tremendous yet underrated guitarist from Los Angeles, playing the music of Jimmy Wyble. David Rogers Sextet, The World Is Not Your Home (Jumbie): African-inspired jazz from a little-known saxophone modernist, featuring monsters Craig Taborn and Gerald Cleaver, plus the noted classical composer Derek Bermel, my old

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