

When Harry Met Hugo

Harry Belafonte — a man who’s given us great music, a man who put himself on the line during the civil rights era — is one of a number of celebrities to have spent the last several years shilling for the ruthless Venezuelan autocrat Hugo Chavez. Supporters of Chavez often argue indignantly that the man is no dictator, that he

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On Isaac Darche

This review appears in the August 2012 issue of The New York City Jazz Record. — Isaac Darche Boom-Bap!tism (BJU) By David R. Adler Guitarist Isaac Darche’s sophomore effort, the follow-up to his 2010 debut One More Shot, is a concise and compelling organ trio set with Sean Wayland on Hammond B-3 and Mark Ferber on drums. It’s steeped in

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On Orrin Evans

This review appears in the August 2012 issue of The New York City Jazz Record. — Orrin Evans Flip the Script (Posi-Tone) By David R. Adler Pianist Orrin Evans is on a hot streak. For evidence look to his recent Posi-Tone releases Freedom, Faith In Action and Captain Black Big Band, not to mention his sideman turn with Ralph Bowen

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New York @ Night: August 2012

From the August 2012 issue of The New York City Jazz Record. — Just when you’re expecting an hour of solo electric guitar at Bar 4 (July 2), leave it to Mike Gamble to get behind a drum set. The multi-talented Gamble began on guitar, however, filling the small space with a rough solid-body tone that has earned him gigs with

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Six Picks: August 2012

My monthly list of recommended CDs, as published in The New York City Jazz Record, August 2012: Harris Eisenstadt, Canada Day III (Songlines) Russ Lossing, Drum Music: Music of Paul Motian (Sunnyside) Giacomo Merega/Noah Kaplan/Marco Cappelli, Watch the Walls Instead (Underwolf) Mike Reed’s People, Places & Things, Clean on the Corner (482 Music) Luciana Souza, Duos III (Sunnyside) Ryan Truesdell, Centennial:

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Glenn Greenwald and Egypt, continued

A quick follow-up on Glenn Greenwald’s blundering comments about the anti-Hillary protests in Egypt: Indeed, the tomato-throwing protesters were anti-Islamist, not anti-Mubarak. In fact, this report indicates the protesters were riled up by bogus claims regarding the Obama administration’s Egypt policy — claims spouted by hysterical right-wingers in the U.S. including Michele Bachmann and Frank Gaffney. So Greenwald, rushing to validate

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Glenn Greenwald thinks he understands Egypt

Regarding the protests against Hillary Clinton that occurred in Alexandria, Egypt, Glenn Greenwald tweeted this:             And then this:           As if the Arab world is one undifferentiated mass of anger at the U.S. In fact, this report (hat tip David Toube via FB) on the demonstrations includes the following line:

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On Surface to Air

In the current issue of Philadelphia Weekly: Surface to Air Sun., July 15, 8pm. $7. With Rake, Nick Millevoi. Café Clave, 4305 Locust St. 215.386.3436 There’s serenity but also a restless spark in the music of Surface to Air. Jonathan Golberger’s acoustic guitar and Jonti Siman’s upright bass give a hint of stripped-down folk and jazz. Rohin Khemani’s tabla

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