Tag: Dave King


New York @ Night: April 2014

From the April 2014 issue of The New York City Jazz Record. — The clarinet looms large in Chris Speed’s work, though he spent the first two nights of his residency at the Stone solely on tenor saxophone. In the last of four trio sets with bassist Chris Tordini and drummer Dave King (Mar. 12), Speed focused mainly on music from

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Six Picks: November 2013

My monthly list of recommended CDs, as published in The New York City Jazz Record, November 2013: Amir ElSaffar, Alchemy (Pi) Dave King Trucking Company, Adopted Highway (Sunnyside) Ghost Train Orchestra, Book of Rhapsodies (Accurate) Mike McGinnis + 9, Road*Trip (RKM) Aaron Parks, Arborescence (ECM) Michele Rosewoman’s New Yor-Uba, A Musical Celebration of Cuba in America (Advance Dance)


New York @ Night: February 2013

From the February 2013 issue of The New York City Jazz Record: — Having endured as a working band for nearly a decade and a half, The Bad Plus doesn’t lack for material. The first Sunday set at the Village Vanguard (Jan. 6) featured pieces from the trio’s latest Made Possible but also others stretching back to Give (2004) and

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On Dave King

This review appears in the December 2012 issue of The New York City Jazz Record. — Dave King I’ve Been Ringing You (Sunnyside) By David R. Adler Trios loom large in drummer Dave King’s career: consider two of his best-known musical endeavors, the Bad Plus and Happy Apple. The piano, too, is central to King’s identity as a player and

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Six Picks: November 2012

My monthly list of recommended CDs, as published in The New York City Jazz Record, November 2012: Nik Bärtsch’s Ronin, Live (ECM) Michael Blake, In the Grand Scheme of Things (Songlines) Dan Block, Duality (Miles High) George Cables, My Muse (HighNote) Dave King, I’ve Been Ringing You (Sunnyside) Angelica Sanchez Quintet, Wires & Moss (Clean Feed)


Six Picks: September 2011

My monthly list of recommended CDs, as published in The New York City Jazz Record, September 2011: Jimmy Amadie Trio, Something Special (TPR) Armen Donelian, Leapfrog (Sunnyside) John Escreet, The Age We Live In (Mythology) Jeff Fairbanks’ Project Hansori, Mulberry Street (BJU) Dave King Trucking Company, Good Old Light (Sunnyside) Nelson Veras, Rouge Sur Blanc (BEE Jazz)