Tag: Chris Tordini


New York @ Night: April 2014

From the April 2014 issue of The New York City Jazz Record. — The clarinet looms large in Chris Speed’s work, though he spent the first two nights of his residency at the Stone solely on tenor saxophone. In the last of four trio sets with bassist Chris Tordini and drummer Dave King (Mar. 12), Speed focused mainly on music from

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On Curtis Macdonald

This review appears in the February 2013 issue of The New York City Jazz Record. — Curtis Macdonald Twice Through the Wall (ind.) By David R. Adler Twice Through the Wall, the second offering from altoist Curtis Macdonald, is an EP with a running time of just 20 minutes. Far from hurrying through it, Macdonald paces himself, devoting the first

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On Billy Hart

This review appears in the May 2011 issue of The New York City Jazz Record. — Billy Hart, Sixty-Eight (SteepleChase) Brian Landrus Quartet, Traverse (BlueLand) Mads Vinding Trio, Open Minds (Storyville) By David R. Adler At 70, Billy Hart is an icon of modern jazz drumming, and his work is far from done. Fueled by a restless creativity, he’s taken

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