Tag: Dan Tepfer


Six Picks: April 2013

My monthly list of recommended CDs, as published in The New York City Jazz Record, April 2013: Ches Smith and These Arches, Hammered (Clean Feed) Benoît Delbecq & Fred Hersch Double Trio, Fun House (Songlines) Charles Lloyd & Jason Moran, Hagar’s Song (ECM) Nicholas Payton, #BAM Live at Bohemian Caverns (BMF) Kendrick Scott Oracle, Conviction (Concord) Ben Wendel & Dan Tepfer,

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Six Picks: December 2011

My monthly list of recommended CDs, as published in The New York City Jazz Record, December 2011: Rez Abbasi’s Invocation, Suno Suno (Enja) Greg Burk Trio, The Path Here (482 Music) Michael Cain, Solo (Native Drum) Kevin Hays, Variations (Pirouet) Dan Tepfer, Goldberg Variations/Variations (Sunnyside) Anthony Wilson, Seasons: Live at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (Goat Hill)


On Billy Hart

This review appears in the May 2011 issue of The New York City Jazz Record. — Billy Hart, Sixty-Eight (SteepleChase) Brian Landrus Quartet, Traverse (BlueLand) Mads Vinding Trio, Open Minds (Storyville) By David R. Adler At 70, Billy Hart is an icon of modern jazz drumming, and his work is far from done. Fueled by a restless creativity, he’s taken

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New York @ Night: May 2011

From the May 2011 issue of The New York City Jazz Record: — Pianist Dan Tepfer has absorbed untold wisdom through his many duo engagements with alto great Lee Konitz, but at Cornelia Street Café (April 9th) it was time for the young Tepfer to face another giant, bassist Gary Peacock. (Konitz was on hand to hear it.) “I’ll Remember April”

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The week on disc (82)

In case you missed the last one… Jason Robinson and Anthony Davis, Cerulean Landscape (Clean Feed) Dan Tepfer Trio, Five Pedals Deep (Sunnyside) Roscoe Mitchell and the Note Factory, Far Side (ECM) Ryan Cohan, Another Look (Motéma) Mario Pavone, Arc Suite T/Pi T/Po (Playscape) Charlie Hunter, Public Domain (ind.)