

Andrew Hill R.I.P.

This morning, America lost one of its greatest musical talents, the pianist and composer Andrew Hill. I spent time with Mr. Hill at his home in Jersey City while researching a piece for the April 2006 edition of Jazz Times. That piece is here [pdf]. [Update: There’s a really interesting Hill post at Do The Math.] [Update: What a gift.

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Ban all handguns

Like Timothy Noah of Slate, I’m perfectly comfortable calling for this. I regard Noah’s piece as the definitive statement on the gun-control implications of the Virginia Tech massacre. And no, arguing for gun control after this calamity is not “playing politics” with tragedy, etc. No one argues that banning guns will stop all gun violence. But it will reduce it.

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Kitty Carlisle Hart

Just a word in memory of singer and actress Kitty Carlisle Hart, who died on April 17 at age 96. I have a particularly vivid memory of meeting Mrs. Hart. It was at least five, maybe seven years ago, when I was a guitarist for hire. [Update: It stands to reason that this was her 90th birthday celebration.] I got

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On Ropeadope Digital

Ropeadope Records, founded in 1999, has essentially reinvented itself as Ropeadope Digital, an online venture. My story is in today’s Philadelphia Inquirer.


“Jihad don’t swing”

Forwarded to me from a jazz radio programmers’ listserv, a riposte to Gilad Atzmon’s morally and intellectually bankrupt portrait of jazz as “holy war” akin to militant jihad. — Last night’s televised prayers of representatives of the Moslem, Buddhist, Jewish and Christian community of Virginia Tech offering solace to the families and friends of the massacre victims and appeals for

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Atzmon meets Imus

Consider two quotes: “There’s never been a suggestion on my radio program that there is some inherent characteristic or ability of one race that makes them superior to another,” [Don] Imus said. — from 60 Minutes transcript, April 15, 2007 “I find it important to mention that in none of my political texts or interviews have I ever used any

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“True Mathematics”

My profile of “the great restructural master” Anthony Braxton appears in the May 2007 issue of Jazz Times. PDF downloadable here.


Tonic’s closing represents wider cultural crisis

Received this from a New York-based musician and thought I’d post it here. The news of Tonic’s closing astounds me, but it shouldn’t. I never thought I’d see the words “Luxury Condos” and “Avenue B” next to each other, but indeed I did last time I walked through Alphabet City. (Tonic lies just south of there, but same deal.) Just

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