

Imus fallout

Finally, a piece examining the role of Don Imus’s executive producer and sidekick, Bernard McGuirk, who was the first person to use the word “ho’s” during the now-infamous exchange. I am fully delighted to see Imus get the drubbing he deserves, don’t get me wrong. But there are other offenders as well. Just as I don’t support the idea of

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Foster, Motian

I wanted to express belated excitement about one of my last evenings hearing music in New York (although that sounds so final — I plan to be back in NYC regularly). This was March 23, a night that began brilliantly uptown at the Thalia at Symphony Space, where clarinetist Andy Biskin played music from his CD Early American: The Melodies

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The Sadr legacy

Thousands have marched on Najaf at the urging of Moktada al-Sadr, to protest the American presence in Iraq: “The enemy that is occupying our country is now targeting the dignity of the Iraqi people,” said lawmaker Nassar al-Rubaie, head of Mr. Sadr’s bloc in parliament, as he marched, according to the A.P. “After four years of occupation, we have hundreds

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Back in gear, slowly

About a week ago I moved from New York to Philadelphia, for reasons both personal and professional. I’m greatly enjoying my new life, but things have been quite hectic and I’ve had even less time than usual for blogging. I’ll do what I can to change that in the coming days and weeks. Thanks for reading and please keep this

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Six Picks: April 2007

My monthly list of recommended CDs, as published in All About Jazz-New York, April 2007: Ralph Alessi, Look (Between the Lines/Challenge) Bobby Broom, Song and Dance (Origin) Anat Fort, A Long Story (ECM) Alvin Fielder Trio, A Measure of Vision (Clean Feed) Russ Lossing/Mat Maneri/Mark Dresser, Metal Rat (Clean Feed) Kendrick Scott, The Source (World Culture)


On Pat Metheny & Brad Mehldau

Go here to read my Philadelphia Inquirer piece on guitarist Pat Metheny and pianist Brad Mehldau.


Ignorance on Atzmon

Gilad Atzmon, the UK-based saxophonist and antisemitic agitator, has once again succeeded in passing himself off as a progressive, appearing at a March 18 forum in Sweden at the invitation of that country’s Social Democratic Party. Ulf Carmesund, a party official, took the Swedish Committee Against Anti-Semitism to task for its condemnation of Atzmon: Gilad Atzmon is himself a Jew,

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CD reviews

A small handful of my CD reviews are now online at Jazz Times: Loren Stillman’s Trio Alto Volume One (SteepleChase); a compilation from the Brooklyn Jazz Underground; Kayhan Kalhor & Erdal Erzincan’s The Wind (ECM); and Russell Gunn Plays Miles (HighNote).