

McLaughlin on the Tonight Show

I knew I wasn’t dreaming when I saw John McLaughlin, fusion guitar god, play “Cherokee” on the Johnny Carson show in 1985, shortly before I graduated high school. Here’s the video. I can’t express how excited I am to rediscover this. There’s lots of other Mahavishnu clips to be found on YouTube.


Bigotry rebutted

In early August I linked to an explicitly antisemitic article in the Berkeley Daily Planet by an Iranian student named Kurosh Arianpour. To her credit, Becky O’Malley, the editor of the Planet, has written a pretty forceful rebuttal, addressed to Arianpour directly. Not sure what took her so long, however, or what possessed her to print Arianpour’s piece without additional

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“Considering Genius” — a book review

The following review appears in the September 2006 issue of Jazz Notes, the quarterly publication of the Jazz Journalists Association (JJA), edited by yours truly. — Considering Genius: Writings on JazzBy Stanley CrouchBasic Civitas Books, Cambridge, MA, 2006; 360 pp.; $27.50 hardcover Review by David R. Adler Easily one of the world’s best-known jazz critics, Stanley Crouch is also a

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“The Path to 9/11”: rightist agitprop

It pains me that on the fifth anniversary of 9/11, I need to spend time commenting on the ABC docudrama “The Path to 9/11,” which has occasioned controversy for its unflattering portrayal of Clinton administration officials. I watched part one last night. The uproar is entirely justified. At every critical juncture in the film, some high-ranking Clinton official emerges to

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Lerterland turns 1

This blog is one year old as of today. Thanks for reading.


Raimondo smears the Kurds

I don’t have time for a thorough critique of this cartoonish piece of writing by Justin Raimondo, the Buchananite conservative who runs the website. But I thought I’d highlight the more absurd passages: Terrorism is okay with the U.S. – as long as it’s carried out by our friends and allies, namely the Kurds. Raimondo is referring to the

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Sonny Rollins on video

An astonishing tour through the decades with the master tenor saxophonist.


The torture saga continues

From Pres. Bush’s speech: We knew that Zubaydah had more information that could save innocent lives, but he stopped talking. As his questioning proceeded, it became clear that he had received training on how to resist interrogation. And so the CIA used an alternative set of procedures. Do tell. Andrew Sullivan drives several trucks through the holes in Bush’s speech,

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