

Six Picks: September 2006

My monthly list of recommended CDs, as published in All About Jazz-New York, September 2006: Tom Beckham, Center Songs (Apria) Marc Cary, Focus (Motéma) The Diplomats (Brown/Eisenstadt/Swell), We Are Not Obstinate Islands (Clean Feed) Lee Konitz, New Nonet (OmniTone)Francisco Mela, Melao (Ayva Music) Walter Smith III, Casually Introducing (FSNT)


Light blogging

Blogging may be light in the coming week or two as I get back into gear post-Labor Day. I’ve got a number of pressing commitments, including a good friend in the hospital in neurological intensive care. If I have to move blogging down a notch or two on the priorities list, be assured it’s not for good. I’ll keep updating

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Hezbollah confirms: interview a fake

Final word on this dreary matter, from Hezbollah’s press liaison, Hussain Rahhal: “Our secretary general Nasrallah has not made any interviews with any Turkish or other non-Lebanese journalist during the month of August. In front of this imaginary interview that is untruthful, and hence does damage to journalism, credibality [sic] and objectivity, Hezbollah reserves its right to take legal action

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Sheehan’s remarks

Cindy Sheehan is someone I view sympathetically, and not just because of her personal loss. But she’s been led down a blind alley by the far-left activists who’ve been whispering in her ear from the beginning. This account from Green Left Weekly is regarding a speech she delivered in Australia in May of this year: Sheehan said her son, Casey,

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Rumsfeld’s remarks

Rather than do the right thing and resign as secretary of defense, Donald Rumsfeld has lashed out at critics of the Iraq war and the war on terror generally, comparing them to those who would have appeased Hitler. “[A]ny kind of moral or intellectual confusion about who and what is right or wrong can weaken the ability of free societies

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George Allen’s racism no “mistake”

Max Blumenthal has a detailed piece in The Nation concerning Senator George Allen of “macaca” fame. Allen has had dealings with the Council of Conservative Citizens, a white supremacist organization; in his statements of support for neo-Confederate groups he has described the Civil War as “the War Between the States” and “a four-year struggle for independence and sovereign rights.” He

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JFA: Helping musicians in need

One great way to aid post-Katrina New Orleans is through the Jazz Foundation of America. Check out their website and give if you can, or spread the word.


Cockburn responds

Alexander Cockburn has responded to charges that he picked up and reprinted a fraudulent interview with Hezbollah’s Hassan Nasrallah. He refers to the original source, Evrensel, as “a serious newspaper.” [Insert laugh track.] He also cites a philosophy professor, Idris Samawi Hamid of Colorado State University, who argues: Instead of shouting “fake!” we should be encouraging the kind of broad

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