

On Gilad Atzmon

Visit the articles page of for a PDF of my Jazz Times column on Gilad Atzmon, the London-based jazz saxophonist and notorious anti-Semite.


Cooper bites back

In his Sept. 16 post Marc Cooper responds to the stupid ranting of pro-Galloway apparatchik Todd Chretien: Beyond all the hot air from Chretien, you see his absolute refusal to deal with any of the substantive issues raised in the critiques of Comrade Galloway. Like his stalwart support for the car bombers and Baathist militias; his embrace of various dictators;

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Jane gets a clue?

Via Harry’s Place, the news comes that Jane Fonda has canceled her appearance with George Galloway. She chalks it up to her recent hip surgery. Perhaps someone “hipped” her to the fact that Galloway supports the Iraqi car-bombers. Tune in to “Real Time with Bill Maher” on Friday, Sept. 23, 11 pm EST. Galloway and Hitchens are both slated to

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Marc Cooper: voice of sanity

Marc Cooper’s Sept. 15 post is titled “Mr. Galloway, Please Go Home.” Citing anti-Galloway statements by Greg Palast and Marc Danziger, Cooper declares: “Any anti-war activist with an IQ above room temperature should make it loudly known that Mr. Galloway is not welcome here.” Sanity prevails again, but we must help it spread. Cindy Sheehan will join Galloway in D.C.

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More Katrina resources

Visit the American Federation of Musicians, Marsalis Music, MusiCares, the New Orleans Musicians Clinic, the Preservation Hall New Orleans Musicians Hurricane Relief Fund, the Jazz Foundation of America, Tipitina’s Foundation and Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation. (Hat tip: Sue Auclair)


Just so we’re clear

On Galloway, via the Guardian: Mr Galloway’s comments following his visit to Syria were among his most controversial. He told al-Jazeera: “The Iraqi resistance is not just defending Iraq. They are defending all the Arabs and they are defending all the people of the world from American hegemony.” He added, speaking to Arab News Broadcasting: “Most of the operations which

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Hitch/Galloway, the aftermath

Circulating anti-Galloway leaflets outside the debate hall, I was told to fuck off a number of times – an early indication of what the night would hold. Shortly I discovered that Hitchens had organized his own leafleting drive, including a thick, stapled booklet [pdf], robustly written and rigorously sourced, on Galloway’s oil-for-food dealings. Moments after securing my own spot on

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Knockout punch

Left-wing journalist Greg Palast buries George Galloway. Bravo. Now when will Jane Fonda get a clue?