

Jazz vs. JALC?

This is old news by blogosphere standards, but my friend Larry Blumenfeld took heat recently for doing what advocates of progressive jazz aren’t supposed to do: write a positive piece about Wynton Marsalis and Jazz at Lincoln Center. Patrick J. commented briefly on some of the ensuing flap, and I just gotta say: It’s hilarious to see Chris Rich rip

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New new media

I haven’t had to time to sit down and absorb the proceedings from today’s National Summit on Arts Journalism, but thought I’d highlight their five featured new media projects: Departures, Glasstire, FLYPMedia, San Francisco Classical Voice and Flavorpill. I’m glad to be surfing the last wave of old media at the Inquirer (will have a Christian McBride feature there soon).

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Six Picks: October 2009

My monthly list of recommended CDs, as published in All About Jazz-New York, October 2009: Brad Dutz Quartet, Whimsical Excursion Boats (ind.) Gordon Grdina’s East Van Strings, The Breathing of Statues (Songlines) John Hollenbeck Large Ensemble, Eternal Interlude (Sunnyside) Joe Martin, Not By Chance (Anzic) Linda Oh Trio, Entry (ind.) Tyshawn Sorey, Koan (482 Music)


Philadelphia haps, cont’d.

In the current Philadelphia Weekly: Dave Liebman GroupFri., Oct. 2, 8-11:30pm. $15. Chris’ Jazz Café, 1421 Sansom St. 215.568.3131 Dave Liebman grew up hearing John Coltrane in the flesh. Now in his 60s, the Poconos-based Brooklynite is a saxophone guru himself, having earned his stripes in the early ’70s with Elvin Jones and Miles Davis, appearing on Miles’ twisted

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Polanski and etc.

“Do successful artists get a pass for their moral failings or crimes?” asks the NYT Room for Debate blog in regard to the Roman Polanski affair. Gee, ya think? Not only do they get a pass for their moral failings — they’re often celebrated for their moral failings, which are too easily mistaken for virtues. At the most recent Oscars,

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On the Fat Cat Big Band

My feature on guitarist-composer Jade Synstelien and the Fat Cat Big Band, in the October 2009 issue of Jazz Times.


Sonny Rollins front-page spread

I was finally able to scan my Sonny Rollins Inquirer feature from the other day, a nice front-page spread [pdf] in the Tuesday Magazine section. I’m not sure if Sonny has elsewhere discussed the possibility of a trio studio session with Christian McBride and Roy Haynes, so I won’t claim it’s a scoop, but let’s hope he goes that way.

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Mourning our dear Margot

Less than a month after the passing of our greyhound Angus, I am sick with grief to report the passing of his life companion Margot, our sweet yellow mutt, whose mounting depression in the last few weeks turned out to be something extremely serious. We’ll never know what it was exactly — probably an aggressive cancer that had been lurking,

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