

The week on disc (52)

In case you missed the last one… Rez Abassi, Things to Come (Sunnyside) Heath Brothers, Endurance (Jazz Legacy) Dave Rivello Ensemble, Facing the Mirror (Allora) Pluto Junkyard, Lucky 7s (Clean Feed) Mika Pohjola, Northern Sunrise (Blue Music Group) Tom Abbs & Frequency Response, Lost & Found (Engine)


Obama’s message

Now that was a speech. Called Sarah Palin a liar. Sweet music to these ears. Just as in the 2008 campaign, people are hectoring Obama about a lack of specifics, and yet there are specifics. So let’s take note of them below: If You Have Health Insurance,the President’s Plan: Ends discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions. Limits premium discrimination based

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On Dan Blacksberg/Daniel Levin

In the current Philadelphia Weekly: Daniel Blacksberg-Daniel Levin DuoSun., Sep. 13, 8:30pm. $5. Gojjo, 4540 Baltimore Ave. 215.238.1236 The trombone and cello can both be ungainly, but they speak with an elemental grace when played by the right people. Philly’s Daniel Blacksberg and New York’s Daniel Levin are the right people. Blacksberg is a diligent trombonist and open-eyed student

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Teach them well and let them lead the way…

A brief comment on yesterday’s presidential back-to-school speech, and yet another “controversy” ginned up by right-wing activists and eagerly blown out of proportion by the media. Yes, it was absurd for the wingnuts to oppose a speech about doing well in school, but I’d go most liberal commentators one better and say this: It is Obama’s prerogative to articulate his

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Chomsky hearts Hugo

If any one American has truly benefited from the First Amendment guarantee of free speech and the right to criticize the government openly and without retribution, it is Noam Chomsky, who continues to draw admiring crowds of listeners despite being a vastly overrated crank and shameless liar. But during his latest trip south to kiss the ring and the behind

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Health care in a nutshell, again

David Goldhill takes American hospitals to task, wondering: How can a facility featuring state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment use less-sophisticated information technology than my local sushi bar? And I’d add: How can the man working to change that situation be compared to Hitler?


Afghanistan: the ongoing tally

It’s literally the last sentence of this AP dispatch on a bomb explosion in Kabul, but as the Afghan war debate heats up, I find it absolutely essential to repeat this fact again and again: [A United Nations report said] 1,013 civilians were killed in the first half of 2009, 59 percent in insurgent attacks and 30.5 percent by foreign

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Against torture

To the best of my knowledge, Dick Cheney has never personally interrogated a terror suspect. Nor have former California congressman Duncan Hunter or most other right-wing pro-torture pundits. But Ali Soufan has. He makes the case against torture based on direct experience that very few people will ever know.