’70s pop


Time Out of Mind

I interviewed John Pizzarelli the other day, for an upcoming feature story in JazzTimes. Among other things, we talked ’70s pop — my favorite subject — and the conversation inspired me to learn Steely Dan’s “Time Out of Mind,” a longtime fave. I’ve always been obsessed with the instrumental bridge, beginning precisely two minutes in. For some reason I couldn’t

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“Whenever I Call You Friend”

My little treatment of the Kenny Loggins/Stevie Nicks hit from 1978 (Loggins co-wrote it with Melissa Manchester). I recorded it to mark the April 30th wedding of my friends Susanna and David, but figured I’d send it out to all the lovers….


“Using the jazz”

Pitchfork has an interview with She & Him (Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward), whose music I don’t know very well. But this passage caught my attention: ZD: For “In the Sun”, I originally composed it with a classic jazz chord progression — with a little chromatic step — and it was slower. But we got in the studio and Matt

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Learn a song, own a song

A commenter asks if I’m serious about one of my favorite song picks at Normblog. One hundred percent serious. Video below. Check the Wurlitzer comping at the start of the B section. The way the backing vocals outline the ravishing modulations. The guy rocking the tambourine. But let’s also admit the clarinet is sharp on the intro and the bass

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