

Israeli musicians bullied, not bowed

Many an unkind word has been said about the late scholar and radical Palestinian activist Edward Said, but at least he firmly believed in the necessity of cultural contacts between Arabs and Israelis, so much so that he co-founded (with Daniel Barenboim) the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra, one of the most notable peace-oriented artistic endeavors ever to have come out of

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Harry’s Place silenced

Jenna Delich, a member of Britain’s University and College Union (UCU), is part of a small UCU faction favoring a boycott of Israeli institutions and individuals. The other day on the UCU activist discussion list she circulated a link concerning the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, a link that directed readers to the neo-Nazi website of David Duke. “No comment necessary.

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Jottings on antisemitism

— David T of Harry’s reports that Gilad Atzmon — the UK-based saxophonist and anti-Jewish hatemonger that I’ve dealt with many times before [pdf] — has published a piece emphatically denying that he’s a racist. He’s harmed his case, however, by publishing it on a far-right website called The Truth Seeker, where, among other things, you’ll find the prolific crackpot

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