

Judeosphere is back

After a two-year hiatus. Always a must-read on the myopia and frequent lunacy of activist anti-Zionism.


“My children were crying on top of my wife’s body.”

That’s one of many quotes from survivors featured in “Terror in Mumbai,” a new HBO documentary narrated by Fareed Zakaria. It’s solidly in the running for the most profoundly disturbing hour of television I’ve ever seen. Now, a year having passed since the attacks, and with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh currently visiting Washington, it’s a good time to reflect

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Profiles in integrity

A friend just sent me this authoritative denunciation of Farrakhanism and black antisemitism from 1992. It’s by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. You may have heard of him.


Jacko and the Jews…

A friend prompted me to remark on Michael Jackson’s apparent antisemitism. Nothing to say, except it’s deeply disturbing, and something to remember at a time when people like Sean Combs are lecturing TV networks that they mustn’t say anything bad about the departed legend.


Hate’s enablers

Much is being said, and correctly so, about the right’s subtle and not-so-subtle enabling of armed wackos like James von Brunn. But may I repeat something I noted the other day? Cynthia McKinney, the 2008 presidential candidate of the Green Party, recently appeared on a racist radio program called The Information Underground, and she did not blink when her interviewer

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Cynthia McKinney, fascist symp

Cynthia McKinney ran for President in 2008 on the Green Party ticket, supposedly as a more progressive alternative to Barack Obama. She received endorsements from such radical left heroes as Noam Chomsky, Mumia Abu-Jamal and the rap group dead prez. Her running mate was hip-hop activist Rosa Clemente, who, like McKinney, is supposedly a promoter of justice for people of

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JFREJ on Churchill, Part 2

[Cross-posted at Z Word.] An anonymous reader has suggested parodic verses along the lines of Caryl Churchill’s short play Seven Jewish Children: don’t tell them we sent a salami to our boy in the army no – don’t tell them that don’t tell them we gave their trust fund to bernie – no; don’t tell them that I love it,

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JFREJ on Churchill

[Cross-posted at Z Word.] This Sunday, Jews for Racial and Economic Justice (JFREJ), the New York-based activist group, will dedicate part of its weekly WBAI radio program Beyond the Pale to a live reading of Caryl Churchill’s play Seven Jewish Children, to be followed by a discussion with the actors. Novelist Howard Jacobson has denounced the play as antisemitic. Churchill

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