

Atzmon PS

From another adulatory interview, this one by Martin Gibson in New Zealand’s Gisborne Herald (via Harry’s): There have been numerous attempts to silence Mr Atzmon, including inevitable charges that he is anti-Semitic, although he is Jewish himself. (Gibson fails to document one single such attempt to silence Atzmon.) Here is Atzmon, from the same interview: “One of the things that happened to

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Airbrushing racism

[Cross-posted at Z Word and Harry’s Place.] Can you imagine a journalist for a liberal newspaper referring in neutral, even vaguely congratulatory terms to an artist’s “provocatively anti-gay rhetoric,” or “provocatively anti-black rhetoric,” or “provocatively anti-Arab rhetoric”? Well, have a look at John Lewis’s profile of Gilad Atzmon for the Guardian, in which we read about the saxophonist’s “provocatively anti-Jewish

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More from Atzmon

I’m behind in noting the latest from UK jazz saxophonist Gilad Atzmon, who now declares, in essence, that Jews brought the Holocaust on themselves. It’s a challenge to decipher Atzmon’s miserable writing, but here it is: Seemingly, it is the personification of WW2 and the Holocaust that blinded the Israelis and their supporters from internalising the real meaning of the

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“Jihad don’t swing”

Forwarded to me from a jazz radio programmers’ listserv, a riposte to Gilad Atzmon’s morally and intellectually bankrupt portrait of jazz as “holy war” akin to militant jihad. — Last night’s televised prayers of representatives of the Moslem, Buddhist, Jewish and Christian community of Virginia Tech offering solace to the families and friends of the massacre victims and appeals for

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Atzmon meets Imus

Consider two quotes: “There’s never been a suggestion on my radio program that there is some inherent characteristic or ability of one race that makes them superior to another,” [Don] Imus said. — from 60 Minutes transcript, April 15, 2007 “I find it important to mention that in none of my political texts or interviews have I ever used any

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Ignorance on Atzmon

Gilad Atzmon, the UK-based saxophonist and antisemitic agitator, has once again succeeded in passing himself off as a progressive, appearing at a March 18 forum in Sweden at the invitation of that country’s Social Democratic Party. Ulf Carmesund, a party official, took the Swedish Committee Against Anti-Semitism to task for its condemnation of Atzmon: Gilad Atzmon is himself a Jew,

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The Atzmon-Duke convergence

It’s been a while since I’ve commented on the jazz saxophonist and rabid antisemite — sorry, “critic of Israel” — Gilad Atzmon. But I thought I’d link to this colorful spread on the website of the avowed neo-Nazi David Duke. Normally I’d hesitate to link to a racist site, but I feel we should all have a look at Atzmon’s

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Atzmon in “Jewface”

I can’t quite make sense of this, but it appears that Gilad Atzmon, the UK-based jazz saxophonist, antizionist ideologue and antisemitic hatemonger (see here and here), has created an alter ego called Artie Fishel. My first impression of Artie is that he’s something like a blackface character, a Jewish sambo. Be sure to check out Artie’s glossary of Jewish terms.

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