Decision 2008


Clinton on Medvedev

Yes, it was embarrassing.


Obama on Farrakhan

I don’t like the “Farrakhan litmus test” any more than The Root’s Marjorie Valbrun does, but Tim Russert had a valid reason for pressing Obama on the issue last night. And Obama’s answers ought to put the matter to rest. There are no grounds to doubt him on the issue of antisemitism. (Funny that Obama’s on the hot seat for

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The Obama-Clinton dispute

The debate highlight I commented on here has become a major bone of contention between the Obama and Clinton campaigns. To recap quickly: The question concerned whether the candidates would be willing to meet with leaders of hostile countries without condition, in the first year of a new presidency. Obama said yes. HRC said no, and she’s now on the

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The debate II

The YouTube debate format was certainly entertaining. But while there’s nothing wrong with levity, the instrusion of entertainment values into politics is a problem, and the YouTube concept seems to encourage it. Some of the questions were pure throwaways. At the risk of sounding humorless, this election is serious. Airtime is too precious to waste. Soliciting questions from ordinary citizens

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The debate

I’m enthusiastic about Barack Obama and I think he did well in last night’s CNN-YouTube debate. But one exchange struck me in particular, and Hillary Clinton gave the better response. The question (transcript here): In 1982, Anwar Sadat traveled to Israel, a trip that resulted in a peace agreement that has lasted ever since. [An aside: Sadat was assassinated in

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