Decision 2008



Think Hillary’s RFK gaffe is bad? Why isn’t anyone talking about her far worse Zimbabwe gaffe? Via Yglesias yesterday: Hillary Clinton compared the plight of Zimbabweans in their recent fraudulent election to the uncounted votes of Michigan and Florida voters saying it is wrong when “people go through the motions of an election only to have them discarded and disregarded.” “We’re

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Where to begin?

“The people here, liberal people, will not vote for Obama because of his attitude towards Israel,” Ms. Weitz, 83, said, lingering over brunch. This appears early in Jodi Kantor’s piece on Florida Jews and the election. Since Obama’s “attitude towards Israel” is roughly 100 percent supportive, it’s hard to know what Ms. Weitz means. But it becomes clearer further down

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McCain: appeaser?

John McCain was for negotiating with Hamas before he was against it. (Via.) On that note, David Brooks has an interesting column about Obama on Hezbollah. He starts out skeptical, even hostile, then presses Obama further and gets a remarkably nuanced set of answers on the Lebanon crisis. Obama is striking exactly the right balance: No to Bush’s cowboy diplomacy,

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The white party

Go Frank Rich: In the 21st century, the so-called party of Lincoln does not have a single African-American among its collective 247 senators and representatives in Washington. […] A near half-century after the civil rights acts of the 1960s, this is quite an achievement. Yet the holier-than-thou politicians and pundits on the right passing shrill moral judgment over every Democratic

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Farrakhan factor

I want this Jeremiah Wright thing to go away, I really do. But Don Wycliff at Commonweal touches a nerve with this qualified defense. I don’t have time to address all of it so I’ll limit my response to the passage on Farrakhan: Nobody at the press club took Wright up on his invitation to name another person, black or

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Hillary on O’Reilly

I’ll say it again: Jeremiah Wright is a crackpot, spewing a toxic mix of racial essentialism, conspiracy theory and recycled far-left nonsense. As Barack Obama correctly said, Wright has “a distorted view of America.” But my god, so does Bill O’Reilly. Like Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter and other propagandists of the rabid right, O’Reilly believes America under Bush to be

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Obama responds…

…to Reverend Wright with an ironclad denunciation and impeccable moral force. Good. This was absolutely necessary.


Supreme Court: voter suppression a-ok!

About a week ago I attended the launch event for the Hip-Hop Team Vote campaign here in Philly. Spearheaded by Russell Simmons (see my cellphone pic at left), Ben Chavis and others, the campaign’s goal is not only to get young voters out to the polls, but to turn them into voting activists — registering their immediate and extended family

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