Gay rights


Quote of the day

From Jeffrey Goldberg: “If only Nidal Hasan, the alleged Ft. Hood killer, had been gay, the Army would have spent quite a bit of time hunting him down.”


No on Prop 8

Andrew Sullivan notes that the vicious Proposition 8, a California ballot initiative that threatens to strip gay couples of all civil equality, is being massively bankrolled by the Mormon Church — which, incidentally, was founded in the 19th century by a fraud and con man. Donate to the No effort here. [Update: Fairness demands that I acknowledge this.]


Pace’s remarks

General Peter Pace, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is being called on to apologize for his public condemnation of homosexuality. Andrew Sullivan is raising a gratifying ruckus — here, here and here. My immediate reaction, aside from disgust at Pace’s remarks, is that he shouldn’t apologize. His view should be challenged and condemned on the merits. But the

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