

New York @ Night: January 2010

In the current issue of All About Jazz-New York: — Michaël Attias is known for his work on alto and baritone saxophones, but on the new Clean Feed disc Renku In Coimbra he plays only alto. This was his game plan too at Barbès (Dec. 3), where he gathered together his Renku trio with bassist John Hebert and drummer Satoshi

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The week on disc (62)

In case you missed the last one… Matt Slocum, Portraits (Chandra) Stéphane Spira & Giovanni Mirabassi, Spirabassi (BEE Jazz) Myra Melford’s Be Bread, The Whole Tree Gone (Firehouse 12) Mostly Other People Do the Killing, Forty Fort (Hot Cup!) Sam Sadigursky, Miniatures: Words Project III (New Amsterdam) Rodrigo Amado/Miguel Mira/Gabriel Ferrandini, Motion Trio (European Echoes)


Philadelphia haps, cont’d.

In the current Philadelphia Weekly: Marc-André HamelinWed., Jan. 13, 8pm. $27. Kimmel Center, 260 South Broad St. 215.731.3333 www.kimmelcenter.org Montreal-born, Boston-based Marc-André Hamelin may be a classical piano giant sitting astride the globe, with over 35 CDs and endless awards to his credit. But he studied at Temple, so Philadelphia can claim a piece of him. And the Kimmel is

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January ’10 jazz doings

Been running around for a few days at a mini-conference of the Jazz Journalists Association, held more or less in conjunction with this year’s APAP event. Howard Mandel has some of the rundown. And here are reax to the sprawling Winter Jazzfest from Nate Chinen, Ben Ratliff, Jim Macnie and bassist Ben Allison. My main focus was Mike Reed’s compelling

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Shipp fallout

A bit of commentary, from Tad Hendrickson, Peter Hum and Chris Rich, sparked (at least in part) by my Matthew Shipp feature in JazzTimes. It’s funny that a few commenters in this AAJ thread suggest I might have “cherry picked” Shipp’s quotes or pulled them out of context. The quotes are of course verbatim and fully contextual. Apart from that,

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The week on disc (61)

In case you missed the last one… Tony Malaby’s Apparitions, Voladores (Clean Feed) Jacques Schwarz-Bart, Abyss (ObliqSound) Håkon Kornstad, Dwell Time (Jazzland) Marc Copland, Alone (Pirouet) Rob Garcia 4, Perennial (BJU) Erica Lindsay & Sumi Tonooka, Initiation (Artists Recording Collective)


Julian Lage, with a vengeance

Almost a year ago I posted on the remarkable young guitarist Julian Lage, noting his leaps-and-bounds improvement since working with Gary Burton as a teen. Well, Lage is at the Blue Note through Saturday with violinist Mark O’Connor and bassist John Patitucci, playing unamplified guitar in a string band that combines the best of O’Connor’s “Hot Swing” group and his

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Philadelphia haps, cont’d.

Oops, this is late. In the current Philadelphia Weekly: Ben O’Neill & Tony Miceli Fri., Jan. 8, 9pm. $10 ($8 advance). With Alfie Pollitt. Moonstone Arts Center, 110 S. 13th St. 215.735.9600 www.moonstoneartscenter.org The Lucky Old Souls concert series strides into 2010 with a promising duo set by guitarist Ben O’Neill and vibraphonist Tony Miceli, plus solo piano from Alfie

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