

On Kermit Driscoll

My Overdue Ovation column on bassist Kermit Driscoll, in the April 2011 issue of JazzTimes.


On Fred Hersch

I have a brief news-oriented piece on Fred Hersch in the September 2010 JazzTimes. It struck me long after submitting the story that the word “gay” does not appear in it, despite the fact that Fred has been out for well over a decade. At first I thought I should have corrected this, but ultimately I’m glad that it didn’t

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On David S. Ware

My feature article on David S. Ware appears in the June 2010 issue of JazzTimes, now on the stands. Teaser here. And don’t miss the articles by my colleagues Shaun Brady and Mike West (on Fred Ho and Steve Coleman, respectively).


On Pat Metheny

Apparently the April 2010 issue of JazzTimes is out, featuring my cover story on Pat Metheny. Teaser here.


Phil Freeman on Shipp

Phil Freeman has a lengthy piece about Matthew Shipp on the Burning Ambulance site. In the course of the article he takes a few misleading swipes at my recent JazzTimes feature [pdf], so I ought to correct the record. Affecting a high-road posture, Freeman tells us that he’ll no longer take the bait and print Shipp’s more virulent quotes, and

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Metheny’s Orchestrion

Nate’s NYT feature on the Pat Metheny Orchestrion project comes out this weekend, if I’m not mistaken. [Update: I’m mistaken — it runs January 31.] After I read it, I’ll be hitting the woodshed to do my cover story for the April issue of JazzTimes. If you’re wondering what the Orchestrion project is, it’s this:


Shipp fallout

A bit of commentary, from Tad Hendrickson, Peter Hum and Chris Rich, sparked (at least in part) by my Matthew Shipp feature in JazzTimes. It’s funny that a few commenters in this AAJ thread suggest I might have “cherry picked” Shipp’s quotes or pulled them out of context. The quotes are of course verbatim and fully contextual. Apart from that,

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On Matthew Shipp

My feature article on pianist Matthew Shipp, in the January/February 2010 issue of JazzTimes. The whole thing is online, but I’ll scan the print layout soon.