

Randy Sandke and the critics, continued

Soon after my first post on Randy Sandke’s book Where the Dark and the Light Folks Meet, Ethan Iverson posted a far more detailed two-part critique (here and here) at Do the Math. As always with Ethan, it’s a must-read. He’s also announced that he’ll be publishing a guest post by Sandke in reply. At the risk of spending too

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Randy Sandke’s book and its critics (including me)

There’s been some heated discussion since Howard Mandel published his thumbs-down review of Where the Dark and the Light Folks Meet: Race and the Mythology, Politics, and Business of Jazz by Randy Sandke. I’ve remained mum, largely because I edited the review. It appeared in December in JJA News. Sandke is a talented trumpeter and composer as well as an

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Defending liberalism

Jonathan Cohn of TNR offers a brief history of contemporary liberalism and how “liberal” became a dirty word. The subject couldn’t be more relevant, as this piece by Rick Perlstein shows. There’s much talk right now about supposed Democratic zeal to “defund” the troops; Perlstein discusses how politicians like Hillary Clinton, deathly afraid of the accusation, are doing their best

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