Michael Moore


Michael Moore, demagogue

If I were President Obama, and I read an open letter from Michael Moore telling me how to honor the memories of my dead mother and dead grandmother, I’d be pretty offended. As I’ve said, I’m deeply ambivalent about a ramped-up Afghanistan deployment. So is nearly every serious commentator on the issue. Moore is far from serious. He describes Afghanistan

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On “Sicko”

I said I’d refrain from further comment until I saw Michael Moore’s film. Well, I have. In short, everything up until the Cuba scene was far better than I expected. And the Cuba scene was far worse than I expected. Moore’s indictment of HMOs and corrupt politicians is spot-on. His portrait of the Canadian, British and French systems is probably

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Moore’s Cuba, continued

A follow-up to my post of May 13, on Michael Moore’s new film “Sicko” and his take on health care in Fidel Castro’s Cuba. Anthony DePalma has an interesting piece about life expectancy rates in Cuba and the U.S. He quotes a Dr. Robert N. Butler: “I know Americans tend to be skeptical,” [Butler] said, “but health and education are

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Michael Moore’s Cuba

In my recent Democratiya essay about Michael Moore, I remarked: “Oddly, Moore was not a major presence during the midterm election season….” Well, Moore’s absence is over. The U.S. government has handed him a propaganda coup on a silver platter by threatening prosecution over an unauthorized trip to Cuba during filming of “Sicko,” his new movie on health care, which

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